本喷剂中含有薰衣草精油及薰衣草纯露等成分有镇静、消炎、止痛等功效,可有效缓解因感冒、流感、急慢性鼻炎和鼻窦炎、花粉症等所带来的鼻痛、鼻塞、流涕等不适。强力鼻腔喷剂 - 10ml$25.00價格已含 增值税 | Pick up available!數量加入购物车立刻购买DIRECTIONS Shake 3 times before use One gentle spray into each nostril Apply 2 - 4 times daily (apply once or twice daily for health maintenance) CAUTIONS This product can cause mild pain which will disappear within 3 seconds Avoid contact with eyes Be cautious during pregnancy and for young children (under 3 years old) CONTENTS Lavender hydrosol, Organic Glycerine, Lavender essential oil (lavandula angustifolia ‘Avice Hill’), Stevia